Unleash the Power of

Video Marketing

...and save time with done-for-you video production

and a proven marketing strategy

Unleash the Power of Video Marketing

and save time with done-for-you video production and proven marketing strategy

Imagine scrolling through your inbox, filled with requests from eager prospects who:

  • Know you can transform their lives

  • Trust your experience and insight

  • Are excited to learn your process

It all starts with a video marketing strategy built for your unique business.

Video is a powerful tool for connecting with your ideal client and getting your product or service in front of the right people!

The Evolution of Business Visibility

There was a time when small businesses viewed websites as optional, a mere accessory to their brick-and-mortar or online presence. Today, having a website is fundamental; the lack of one could mean invisibility in a digital-first world.

Similarly, there was an era when social media was considered a novelty, a playground for the tech-savvy youth. Now, it's a pivotal touchpoint, with businesses without a social footprint often feeling the pinch of missed opportunities.

Today, we stand on the cusp of another transformative wave...video marketing.

Just as websites and social media became indispensable, video content is fast emerging as the new essential. In an age where audiences crave immersive experiences and authentic connections, videos provide that personal touch, breathing life into brands and forging deeper relationships with consumers.

If you're not integrating video into your marketing strategy, you risk being outpaced by those who do.

Imagine scrolling through your inbox, filled with requests from eager prospects who:

  • Know you can transform their lives

  • Trust your experience and insight

  • Are excited to learn your process

It all starts with a video marketing strategy built for your unique business.

Video is a powerful tool for connecting with your ideal client and getting your product or service in front of the right people!

The Evolution of Business Visibility

There was a time when small businesses viewed websites as optional, a mere accessory to their brick-and-mortar or online presence. Today, having a website is fundamental; the lack of one could mean invisibility in a digital-first world.

Similarly, there was an era when social media was considered a novelty, a playground for the tech-savvy youth. Now, it's a pivotal touchpoint, with businesses without a social footprint often feeling the pinch of missed opportunities.

Today, we stand on the cusp of another transformative wave: video marketing. Just as websites and social media became indispensable, video content is fast emerging as the new essential. In an age where audiences crave immersive experiences and authentic connections, videos provide that personal touch, breathing life into brands and forging deeper relationships with consumers.

If you're not integrating video into your marketing strategy, you risk being outpaced by those who do. You need to stay ahead and stay visible.

Leveraging video can:

  • Showcase your authority

  • Grow your email list

  • Attract ideal leads

  • Help boost email open rates

  • Increase your presence across platforms

. . . all on auto-pilot, 24/7.

Leveraging video can:

  • Showcase your authority

  • Grow your email list

  • Attract ideal leads

  • Help boost email open rates

  • Increase your presence across platforms

. . . all on auto-pilot, 24/7.

But we know that video can also feel overwhelming. It’s easy to get stuck wondering:

-What do I say when I’m on camera?

-Does powerful video mean I need expensive equipment or a ton of tech?

-Once I have a video, how do I make sure people actually see it?

-I keep hearing about “SEO,” but what does that actually mean?

-Who has the time to set up a studio and record videos?

But we know that video can also feel overwhelming. It’s easy to get stuck wondering:

-What do I say when I’m on camera?

-Does powerful video mean I need expensive equipment or a ton of tech?

-Once I have a video, how do I make sure people actually see it?

-I keep hearing about “SEO,” but what does that actually mean?

-Who has the time to set up a studio and record videos?

That’s why we created The Marketing VA Advantage

Within two weeks of joining The MVA Advantage, you’ll have a clear strategy for getting found (SEO) online, a custom marketing strategy, plus...

...a Marketing VA to do all the work!

We’ll handle:

  • Hiring, onboarding and training an affordable Marketing Virtual Assistant (MVA) for you, to take care of 90% of your marketing tasks

  • Ongoing training to keep your MVA at the front of the marketing curve

  • Creating easy-to-follow systems and processes for your SEO and marketing

  • Developing a custom, weekly marketing plan to consistently attract leads into your business (no more guessing or seeing what sticks!)

That’s why we created The Marketing VA Advantage

Within two weeks of joining The MVA Advantage, you’ll have a clear strategy for getting found (SEO) online, a custom marketing strategy, plus...

a Marketing VA to do all the work!

We’ll handle:

  • Hiring, onboarding and training an affordable Marketing Virtual Assistant (MVA) for you, to take care of 90% of your marketing tasks

  • Ongoing training to keep your MVA at the front of the marketing curve

  • Creating easy-to-follow systems and processes for your SEO and marketing

  • Developing a custom, weekly marketing plan to consistently attract leads into your business (no more guessing or seeing what sticks!)

Your new Marketing VA will handle:

  • Social Media and marketing management

  • Video editing

  • Creating video transcriptions

  • Building your SEO

  • Implementation

  • Creating Social Media content

  • Other marketing support

All you have to do is record one video per week.

(What will you do with all that extra time?)

Video should be the cornerstone of your marketing

...not an afterthought

Videos warm up leads faster, saving you time, energy, and money.

4 out of 5 consumers prefer video over written communication.

And not only do they want more videos, but videos are the best method to spread your message and deeply connect with your audience on a large scale.

Studies show that viewers process information faster—and commit 85% more to memory—when they watch a video instead of reading the same information in written form.

For businesses, that means fewer touchpoints are needed to turn a brand-new lead into a warm one.

And that can mean saving thousands of dollars on your marketing and ad spend.

On social media, the algorithms want video!

Right now, all social platforms are serving videos more than other kind of post. That means when you put the right videos out there, your reach will grow organically.

Plus, because video creates powerful connections, your viewers are more likely to like, comment, and share video posts than any other kind of content, which in turn tells the algorithm that people value your content and want to see more of it!

Video marketing is powerful because we all learn differently—and can speak to us all

Whether your viewers communicate best through audio, visual, verbal, or kinesthetic practices, video speaks to them all by using spoken words, visual images, written words, and a sense of “having an experience.”

When you have a video strategy, you can focus on one type of content instead of splitting your energy (and your budget) into lots of different content from scratch.

Video marketing is powerful because we all learn differently—and can speak to us all

Whether your viewers communicate best through audio, visual, verbal, or kinesthetic practices, video speaks to them all by using spoken words, visual images, written words, and a sense of “having an experience.”

When you have a video strategy, you can focus on one type of content instead of splitting your energy (and your budget) into lots of different content from scratch.

Video is best for repurposing. Create once and use it over and over again

A single YouTube video can be repurposed into 30 or more pieces of content that you can use over time to share your message with your audience across all your media and marketing platforms.

Evergreen video content can serve you new leads time and time again

We’ll help you create strategic content that will attract your ideal customers now and for years to come.

Then, you can spend less energy on content creation and more on what’s important to you (Client work? Sales? Beach days? Finally creating that online course?).

Video is great for SEO, so you can reach new leads organically

When your Marketing Virtual Assistant uploads videos for you, they don’t just show up on YouTube itself. (The 2nd largest search engine in the world, by the way!) But they also show up when your potential clients enter a search on Google, so your YouTube videos can get served to them right there, too.

With all that power, it’s essential to use video to your advantage, so you can earn more revenue (and enjoy more free time).

And you shouldn’t have to do it on your own

Through The Marketing VA Advantage, we’ll help you select a Marketing VA—one we’ve already vetted and trained—to join your team.

Your new MVA can handle as much as 90% of your marketing tasks:

  • Evergreen YouTube videos to auto-generate leads

  • Social media to nurture relationships with potential clients and referral partners

  • Emails to build 'know, like, and trust'

  • Lead magnets to grow your email list

  • Blogging to boost your search engine optimization

And it all starts with cornerstone video content.

And you shouldn’t have to do it on your own

Through The Marketing VA Advantage, we’ll help you select a Marketing VA—one we’ve already vetted and trained—to join your team.

Your new MVA can handle as much as 90% of your marketing tasks:

  • Evergreen YouTube videos to auto-generate leads

  • Social media to nurture relationships with potential clients and referral partners

  • Emails to build 'know, like, and trust'

  • Lead magnets to grow your email list

  • Blogging to boost your search engine optimization

And it all starts with cornerstone video content.

We’re Kirsten and Jeanne,

the creators of The Marketing VA Advantage.

"Back when I owned a mortgage brokerage, I often worked with small business owners.

My lengthy experience in sales and as a business owner mean that I had a lot of insight to share.

Eventually, many of those mortgage clients organically developed into business coaching relationships.

That’s how I met Jeanne!"


[ Kirsten Graham ]

[ Jeanne Willson ]

"I know first hand how valuable finding a great team member can be:

The year Kirsten convinced me to outsource just one part of my business was the first year I hit six figures.

Before I started my first business, a Marketing Agency, I worked for a national advertising agency, in national advertising sales (MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon), and in publishing.

I am truly passionate about helping our clients take full advantage of all that video marketing offers—by outsourcing the tasks they don't need to be doing."


With Kirsten’s expertise in business and Jeanne’s in-depth understanding of marketing, we teamed up to help business owners to feel freedom and fulfillment as they scale to 6 and 7 figures by streamlining their marketing and automating their lead generation.

...incredible "done-for-you" way

"Their program not only helps you find the right Marketing VA but organizes all the work in an incredible "done-for-you" way. It's worth the price just for the YouTube boards alone... WOW!"

- Julie

"They are with me every step of the way!"

"Jeanne and Kirsten had this program laid out perfectly! It is very well-thought-out and made the whole process so easy. They are with me every step of the way."

- Marla

"I can't imagine doing this on my own."

"Jeanne and Kirsten helped me to find and hire an amazing MVA and delegate to her. My MVA changed my life. She is really awesome. I can't imagine doing this on my own. It's definitely worth it."

- Darolyn

...incredible "done-for-you" way

"Their program not only helps you find the right Marketing VA but organizes all the work in an incredible "done-for-you" way. It's worth the price just for the YouTube boards alone... WOW!"

- Julie

"They are with me every step of the way!"

"Jeanne and Kirsten had this program laid out perfectly! It is very well-thought-out and made the whole process so easy. They are with me every step of the way."

- Marla

"I can't imagine doing this on my own."

"Jeanne and Kirsten helped me to find and hire an amazing MVA and delegate to her. My MVA changed my life. She is really awesome. I can't imagine doing this on my own. It's definitely worth it."

- Darolyn

Here's How It Works

STEP 1: Get started

Review your video strategy and sign up to meet potential Marketing VAs!

STEP 2: Hire your Marketing Virtual Assistant

We’ll help you select an MVA from our vetted and trained talent pool, so you can start handing off your marketing to-do’s right away.

STEP 3: Record a simple, cornerstone video

Step off the content hamster wheel and discover how to create a single, powerful piece of unique, valuable content!

Later, your MVA will skillfully translate your video content into blogs, emails, social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and other snippets so you can create at your own pace.

STEP 4: Let your MVA handle the rest

Here’s the best part...

Using the cornerstone content you’ve created, your MVA will build a suite of content that they’ll distribute across all platforms over time, from email to Instagram to LinkedIn to any other platform you like!

Maximum visibility—with minimum time and effort from you.

As your MVA repurposes your content, you can focus on your clients, your family, and your life.

While you’re sleeping, traveling, enjoying a hot coffee, or watching a movie . . . your content will be generating leads and helping you scale.

Scale your business without burnout

STEP 1: Get started

Review your video strategy and sign up to meet potential Marketing VAs!

STEP 2: Hire your Marketing Virtual Assistant

We’ll help you select an MVA from our vetted and trained talent pool, so you can start handing off your marketing to-do’s right away.

STEP 3: Record a simple, cornerstone video

Step off the content hamster wheel and discover how to create a single, powerful piece of unique, valuable content!

Later, your MVA will skillfully translate your video content into blogs, emails, social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and other snippets so you can create at your own pace.

STEP 4: Let your MVA handle the rest

Here’s the best part...

Using the cornerstone content you’ve created, your MVA will build a suite of content that they’ll distribute across all platforms over time, from email to Instagram to LinkedIn to any other platform you like!

Maximum visibility—with minimum time and effort from you.

As your MVA repurposes your content, you can focus on your clients, your family, and your life.

While you’re sleeping, traveling, enjoying a hot coffee, or watching a movie . . . your content will be generating leads and helping you scale.

With The Marketing VA Advantage, you’ll receive:

  • A customized marketing strategy that leverages SEO and builds your authority

  • Weekly LIVE calls for coaching, accountability and encouragement so you can create amazing content and be the best boss you can be

  • Additional support when you want it, including done-for-you project boards and plug-n-play workflows

  • A private Facebook community where you can share your content and get inspired

  • A trained, vetted, and affordable Marketing VA who does all the work!

The MVA you select will also receive access to our virtual assistant training portal, which provides support and training to continually level up their skills.

Never add “edit video,” “design thumbnail,” or “schedule posts” to your to-do list again!

Your Marketing Virtual Assistant has you covered!

With The Marketing VA Advantage, you’ll receive:

  • A customized marketing strategy that leverages SEO and builds your authority

  • Weekly LIVE coaching calls where you can ask questions and talk strategy

  • Additional support when you want it, including done-for-you project boards and plug-n-play workflows

  • Our private Facebook community where you can share your content and get inspired

  • A trained, vetted, and affordable Marketing VA who does all the work!

The MVA you select will also receive access to our virtual assistant training portal, which provides support and training to continually level up their skills.

Never add “edit video,” “design thumbnail,” or “schedule posts” to your to-do list again!

Your Marketing Virtual Assistant has you covered!

"I am now freed up to do what I love to do!"

"...and that is such a gift! Thank you both so much for this amazing program!"

- Rebecca

"I get golden nuggets each week..."

"...from the LIVE coaching calls! Whether I have a question or not."

- Suraj

"So grateful that I found you two!"

"I am so grateful that I found you two and this program! You are amazing!"

- Denise

"I am now freed up to do what I love to do!"

"...and that is such a gift! Thank you both so much for this amazing program!"

- Rebecca

"I get golden nuggets each week..."

"...from the LIVE coaching calls! Whether I have a question or not."

- Suraj

"So grateful that I found you two!"

"I am so grateful that I found you two and this program! You are amazing!"

- Denise

Our TMVAA members experience...

Our TMVAA members experience...

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I afford a Marketing VA?

This program is designed to help you hire the Marketing VA that’s right for you, usually at a budget of US$200-$400 per month. The MVAs we bring into the program to assist you are available part-time or full-time, and they’re all highly qualified to help you with your marketing!

I’m already stretched thin. I don’t think I have time to hire somebody or train a VA. Can The Marketing VA Advantage help me?

If you’re feeling stretched for time, you absolutly need The MVA Advantage! 

We pre-vet and train each of the MVAs, so you don’t need to worry about teaching them the skills necessary to handle your marketing.

It will take less than 5 hours total to onboard your new MVA, usually an hour or less each day during the first week they’re with you.

After that, on a weekly basis, you can plan to spend less than an hour managing your MVA.

Your MVA will also have access to continued, self-guided skills training through The Marketing VA Advantage.

Remember that by delegating to your MVA, you’re earning yourself time. They are there to take tasks off your plate and free you up for . . . anything you’d rather be doing!

What’s the hiring process like?

In a word...simple!

When you’re ready to hire your Marketing Virtual Assistant, we will match you with 3-4 potential MVAs that suit your needs, working style, and personality.

We’ll facilitate a Zoom meeting between you and each MVA so that you can select the one who best fits with your personality and passions!

As an example, our client Bonni is a dietician—and we found her a Marketing Virtual Assistant who also works as a dietitian.

Our client, Denise teaches classes to veterinarians. The MVA she chose through our program had previously worked in a vet’s office (and she’s a devoted animal lover)!

I’m not techy. Can I be successful at video marketing?

Yes! Most of the business owners we work with are either too busy to learn new tech, or they’re just not interested in it...and that’s okay! 

Your Marketing VA will know how to handle all the tech aspects of video marketing—and you won’t need to understand how to do a task yourself before you delegate it to your MVA.

I want my videos to look professional. Can an MVA really do professional-level editing?

Absolutely! The MVAs we work with are specifically trained in video marketing, so video editing is a primary skill. They understand how important great editing is—and they know how to make it happen for you.

How much time will I have to spend actually creating content?

An hour a week. That’s all. Just record your weekly video and your MVA will handle the rest.

I’m a solo business owner and I’ve never had an assistant before. Will you help me get set up to bring somebody on?

For most of our clients, their Marketing VA is their very first team member! 

These MVAs operate as independent contractors, which is so much simpler than bringing on a W2 employee. We’ll provide any paperwork you need for onboarding and taxes related to your MVA.

What about managing my new MVA? Will you teach me how to do that?

Absolutely! We have a proven system for managing Marketing Virtual Assistants in under an hour a week. We’ll help you make sure you and your MVA have a productive, efficient, safe, and satisfying experience working together!

Ready to finally earn more and work less?

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